History of the School

St Nicholas school was started in 1976 with kindergarten and a total enrolment of 3 kids. St Nicholas primary was later established.

In 1986 the first 3 KCPE candidates were registered for the examinations. The school has since grown to a fully fledged primary school with a K.C.P.E section and has seen the birth of St. Nicholas Cambridge wing, year 1-6 in 2013.

In 2001, St Nicholas Senior School was established to cater for the needs of the students who finish class eight in both our primary school and other schools in Nairobi.St. Nicholas Senior school has since grown to form 5 and 6.(A levels).

Our schools are set in a hospitable, serene and homely environment and less than 3km from the city center, Nairobi.

St Nicholas has the following schools under its management

  • St Nicholas kindergarten (main office)
  • St Nicholas primary school
  • St Nicholas senior school


St Nicholas school, Nairobi, is committed to providing an education characterized by high standards of discipline and academic excellence. We at St. Nicholas schools have a history of offering high standards of education. We aspire to create an environment that creates a whole person. It includes not only the academic curriculum but also the additional activities that students often choose for themselves


We hope to involve all our stakeholders in the achievement of all our aspirations. Academically changing a school to be an institution where small groups of students and pupils interact with the aim of helping each individual student to achieve previously set goals at their own pace.

Pastoral Care

Spiritual needs of our students are well catered for. Christian and Muslim students attend to a mass every Wednesday. A priest from Holy Family Basilica, usually attends to celebrate the mass together with St Nicholas students. We strongly acknowledge that God is our sustainer and it’s only by His Grace that we as a community can achieve our goals.

Charity Involvement

Our school participates in many charity activities and we thank the parents for continued participation. Our students have participated in various fund raising activities to assist the less fortunate in society. Our students have visited Mathare Slum Orphanage Home St. Theresa Missionaries of Charity, among other places.

Leadership Opportunities

In all our campuses, students have opportunities to develop their leadership roles. This spans from church activities during mass, during assembly for scouts and guides, games captains to work in conjunction with the games master and the students, among others

Parents – Teachers: Meeting / Communication

Interactive meetings are held in each campus and issues pertaining to the good and success of our students are discussed. These issues range from academics, discipline, trips and any other business. Parents/guardians are encouraged to attend.

Open days are usually held on closing day of the campuses and the parents have an opportunity to discuss their children’s performance with the teachers and the way forward.

We believe in open communication between parents and school and students carry diaries which act as a bridge between the two. Students present the diary to the parent to ensure that the student does the homework, communicate to the teacher and append a signature.

School trips are organized and students informed of the dates through a newsletter to the parents. This letter must be taken home for approval of the parent.

Peer Helpers Programs

The schools have extensive peer helpers programs which enlighten students on drug and substance abuse, revision skills, career guidance. Currently, the students are getting trained by Pelimander International on various skills and certificates awarded for the graduates